miércoles, 3 de octubre de 2012

Policy vs. Advancement

Sustainable green energy has been a buzz word starting awhile ago and the move away from fossil fuels can be seen in individual houses to the construction of alternate fuel run cars to entire legislature of a country.  This day in age most would agree that oil/gas/coal are not the way of the future (obviously), yet when we are looking for advancements and ways to better our carbon footprint sometimes we are cut short.

While reading bbc today I came across to articules that were posted right next to each other and it struck me as curious.  The first article I saw was how they have developed a new technology to be able to store the energy produced by wind farms by freezing the air and storing it for later use.  The next article right above it deals with how Obama has blocked the plans to build four new windfarms in the United States (albeit through a Chinese company).

His presidential policy in turn has led to slowing the weaning of ourselves from better alternatives  of energy and as well denied the creations of thousands of jobs (even if they are short term)  which I find fascinating since outsourcing, loss of jobs and overseas investments have been a strong topic in politics recently, not only in the United States but in many countries.


Just like one of the articles we read in class today, this shows that foreign policy and separate agendas can have a large adverse effect on the bettering of lives.


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